Tips for Buying Auto Insurance
When it comes to buying auto insurance, research is necessary. There are many options available, and you need to find the best one for your auto insurance needs. This process is daunting to many, but at Rumbaugh Insurance, we understand the overwhelming feeling that comes with researching the right policy to best fit your personal auto insurance needs.
First, there are a few things you need to know about the auto insurance industry. Each insurance company uses certain factors to determine the final cost of your auto insurance policy, and they take several things into consideration. Second, companies will look at your driving record, but also consider other factors like your geographic location, gender, age, marital status, vehicle use, and even your prior insurance coverage. Third, make sure you have done your own research first. Having this information on hand when you talk to an insurance agent will make the process go smoothly and also avoid any surprises along the way.
The biggest decision is the amount of coverage you need for liability. Consider your assets. For example, if you have $50,000 in liability coverage but $100,000 in assets, the affected party’s attorney can come after you for anything accident related that is not covered by your policy. It is ultimately up to you to decide the level of liability you are comfortable with paying but a huge factor in determining the cost of your policy.
Here are our best tips to make shopping for auto insurance a breeze. You need to make sure you know your state’s minimum coverage requirements, review your driving record for any tickets or points on your license, and, if applicable, check your current insurance policy’s coverage and fees. Once you have that information, you are ready to begin shopping.
Here are a few simple steps to take:
Find out how much coverage you actually need.
Check your current policy fees.
Choose three to four insurance companies to research that you feel will be the best fit for your needs.
Ask the insurance agent for discounts such as multiple vehicles, aggressive driving classes, good grades, anti-theft devices, safety devices, low mileage/good driver renewal, auto/home package, and dividends.
Explore optional coverages like collision and comprehensive.
For your protection, before you purchase the policy, call your state insurance department to verify that the agent and insurance company are licensed to do business in your state. If they are not, your policy may not be honored when needed.
Lastly, be sure to read your entire policy. It is a binding, legal document and should clearly state your rights and responsibilities as well as those of the insurance company selected.
You don’t want to get caught overpaying for your auto insurance policy simply because doing the proper research first seemed like too much work. We understand that it’s not the most exciting thing to do; however, we also know that it can potentially save you hundreds of dollars on your bottom line. If you are in the market for auto insurance, give Rumbaugh’s a call and we will be happy to answer any questions that you have and help you create the best insurance policy for your needs.