Florist Shop Insurance
Florists are easily found in every city across the country including the local Hanover, PA, area. Customers rely on you to create a beautiful work of art that shows how much they care about their loved ones. Whether they order flower arrangements online or in person, you are a valuable service to the community. Interacting daily with the community increases your chance of risk including claims and lawsuits. As a florist, it is important you buy business insurance to protect your assets, reputation, and longevity.
Curious about what types of risk you face? Take a look at these 6 risks and think about how they might impact your business finances and livelihood:
A Fire Destroys Your Shop
The most detrimental events are those you can never plan for. If an electrical explosion causes a fire that destroys your entire shop, your business is forced to close at least temporarily. Closing means no income, upset customers whose orders are lost, and bills that still need to be paid like loans, insurance, and employee wages.A Refrigerator Breaks Down
You often rely on refrigerators to store flowers and keep them from dying or wilting too quickly. Refrigeration systems can fail. If one breaks in the middle of the night or your electricity goes off without you knowing it, your flowers can become unusable.Not having the necessary materials means you have to cancel orders and buy new flowers in addition to buying a new refrigerator. These expenses can add up quickly and wipe away your cash flow.
A Customer Trips on a Rug
Some customers still visit florists to place orders or pick up their arrangements. If one of them trips over a rug, falls, and twists their ankle, you are responsible for their medical expenses. If the injury causes them to miss work, you are also responsible for any lost wages.Your Computer Gets Hacked
These days the majority of florists store customer information on computers and take payment via the phone or internet. Since hackers don’t discriminate against any business, you could become a victim. When sensitive customer information is breached including names, e-mails, and payment information, you have a long list of regulations to follow.These regulations include notifying every customer of the breach, conducting a formal investigation, paying any unwanted charges, and paying for any credit card issues that occur.
A Delivery Gets Delayed
When customers place their orders, they expect you to make the delivery on time. If your daily delivery of flowers is delayed and causes you to not fulfill your orders, you will be forced to refund prepaid orders.
Employee Car Accidents
Many florists deliver flower arrangements throughout the day. If one of your employees goes on a normal delivery run, but backs the van into a mailbox or another vehicle, your flower shop is responsible for the damages.
These are just a few of the scenarios where business insurance protects you from financial ruin. It is important to make sure your insurance portfolio protects you against every possible risk. Every florist needs general liability and commercial property insurance. If you store sensitive client information, you also need cyber liability insurance, and, if you deliver flowers, business auto is a must.
Rumbaugh Insurance has been helping florists in Hanover, Gettysburg, and Spring Grove find the right business insurance for years. Give one of our insurance specialists a call today at 717-632-6001 or fill out the insurance quote form.
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