Halloween Safety Tips
One of the much-anticipated events of fall is Halloween. Fun for both kids and adults, it's not only a time of gathering candy but a time of fellowship as well. Halloween allows family and friends to enter an imaginary world of ghouls, ghosts, goblins, princesses, and knights for a little while and escape the day-to-day grind. Of course, everyone wants Halloween to be enjoyable and, most importantly, safe. Here are a few Halloween tips to ensure your fun doesn't become scary.
Safe Walking
Use crosswalks to cross the street at the corners.
Look both ways to ensure that all oncoming traffic is clear.
Teach your children to make direct eye contact with drivers as they cross in front of them.
While walking, stay on sidewalks and paths. When no sidewalks are available, always walk facing traffic.
Be alert to car movement. Look out for cars that are turning or backing up.
An adult should always accompany children under the age of 12. Older children can go without adult supervision, but this is the parents' choice and should be based on your child's maturity. Older children should travel in groups, especially if not under adult supervision.
Costume Safety
Add reflective tape to costumes to allow drivers to easily see kids walking.
Wearing lighter-colored costumes will also help improve your child’s visibility.
Use face paint or makeup, if possible, in your costume creation rather than a mask which can hinder vision.
Provide children with glow sticks or flashlights to carry with them. This will help them see and help drivers see them. If using flashlights, make sure children are aware they should never point them at drivers.
When picking out a costume, make sure it's the right size and fits properly. Baggy costumes can be a tripping hazard.
Drive Safe
Slow down and be extra alert when driving through neighborhoods. Children, particularly young ones, are excited about trick-or-treating and may move quickly and unexpectedly.
Take extra time to survey crosswalks and intersections to make sure no pedestrians are present.
Carefully enter and exit driveways in neighborhood settings, looking for children across the driveway entrance.
Eliminate distractions in the car so you can pay attention to the road. Put down the phone!
Leave yourself some extra time and drive slowly. Anticipate that you will encounter heavy pedestrian traffic on this busy evening.
Be aware that the most common trick-or-treat hours are between 5:30pm and 9:30pm. Be particularly alert for children during these hours.
By following these few Halloween tips, your kids will get home safely to count their candy loot! Rumbaugh Insurance wants to wish you and your family a SAFE and enjoyable Halloween experience.