Home Security Tips
When it comes to your home, you want to protect it since it is your safe place. You want to feel safe and secure where you live. Insuring your home is a great way to protect it, but there are some other things you can do in order to increase the security of your home. Here are some home security tips you can implement today.
Trim Greenery – If you have any kind of trees, plants, or bushes around your home, be sure to keep them trimmed. Allowing them to grow can give burglars and other criminals a place to hide. Also, when it comes to the outside of your home, make sure it is well-lit. Adding some motion sensor lights is always a good idea too.
Social Media – Protecting your home is not just about the physical aspects… if you plan to be away for any reason, don’t announce it to the internet. Criminals who want to break into your home usually take time to research and start with social media these days. Many people like to use the check-in feature on social media, and this makes it so much easier for burglars.
Burglar Alarm – Certainly a burglar alarm is a great home security tip, and while it may not prevent a break in, it helps to deter some criminals. Plus, many home security systems now can alert you and the authorities if they are activated.
Change Locks – If you suspect someone has attempted to get in your home, you or a child has lost a key, or you recently purchased a new home, it is a good idea to change your locks. This can be done yourself by purchasing new ones from a home improvement store, or you can call a locksmith. Be sure to only give keys to those you know and trust.