8 Ways to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
Another year is underway and many of us have started it with new goals or resolutions. Historically, New Year’s resolutions are difficult to keep with 80% failing by February first. While New Year’s resolutions are a good thought, they are often too hard to maintain because we tend to pick the most challenging thing to conquer. It’s extremely hard to make a big change without the right plan and techniques in place. To help you achieve your 2018 resolutions and goals, we’ve compiled a list of 8 tips to guarantee you make it past February and well into the New Year.
Determine Your ‘Why’
Not having a ‘Why’ to your goal is detrimental to the success. Understanding why you want to change something makes you remember the desired result or goal. It is important to repeat your ‘why’ when motivation begins to fade to reinspire you.
Write it Down
Writing both your resolution and ‘why’ down is also important. Keep the written copies in front of you or where you spend the majority of your time. Your brain is a muscle that needs training to do the right thing and taking 60 seconds to read these everyday molds your mind to unconsciously make better decisions.
Break it Down
Oftentimes goals are unattainable because they only look at the big picture. If your goal is to lose 30 pounds, it takes time and commitment to see success. By breaking the 30-pound goal into smaller goals, you see success more quickly and want to keep moving.
Make it Public
Tell your friends, family, and social media network what you want to accomplish in 2018. The more people you tell, the harder it is to ignore because they will ask you about progress. You will feel better being able to share your steps to success which will also keep you working.
Find an Accountability Partner
Ask somebody you trust to help keep you on track. It isn’t their responsibility to reprimand you. If they simply check-in weekly, you will feel like somebody else cares and is rooting you on. This creates an inner desire to want to share positive results and gently nudges you to make the right choices.
Keep a Journal
Documenting your daily progress allows you to reflect on struggles and feelings – both good and bad. When we have a place to release struggles, they become easier to overcome. It also lets you see your full progression instead of just what is happening that specific day.
Reward Yourself
Sticking to a resolution is hard work. When you accomplish even small pieces of the long-term goal, you deserve to reward yourself. Pick something that makes you feel good or valuable and post a picture of it on your wall. This way you remind yourself daily of the fun you get to experience.
Don’t Punish Yourself
If you skip a day or fall short of a goal, don’t punish yourself. It’s okay. Missteps happen often and learning from them is far more valuable than beating yourself up about them.