What Is Telematics and How Can It Benefit Me?
With the improvement of innovation in vehicles to assist us with driving safely and securely, there is an open door that is being offered by some insurance agencies to help bring to light your driving practices. By monitoring how you drive and reporting back to the insurance company, there is an opportunity for you to also decrease your insurance costs. It's known as telematics innovation, also referred to sometimes as ‘pay how you drive.’ While every insurance agency has its own rendition of this innovation, there are some common themes and benefits that you could utilize.
Here are some reasons to look into utilizing telematics technology:
Develop better habits-
We all know that we tend to make sure we are on our best behavior when someone else is watching. The same goes for when we are driving. If you know the insurance company is monitoring your driving, you will likely be more careful, which is good for you, your passengers, and fellow drivers on the road with you. Become a better driver.
Save money-
Since you will likely become a better driver after signing up for telematics, the chance is high that you will get a discount. Some insurance companies will offer a discount upfront simply for signing up for telematics, while other companies will monitor your driving for a certain amount of time, and then calculate a discount they believe is fair. Some telematics technology will even be able to give you tips and tricks to be a better driver.
Easy to use-
Once you decide that telematics is a good benefit for you, signing up and implementing it is super easy. Some insurance companies will give you a device that plugs into your car, while others offer a mobile app. Either way, your telematics journey will be easy and seamless once you begin.
If you want to discuss telematics technology further and learn about more ways that it can benefit you, call your local trusted agent at Rumbaugh Insurance today.