6 Things You Need to Know about Insuring Your Garage or Auto Repair Shop
As a garage owner, you provide a quality service to your local community. Customers trust you daily with one of their most expensive assets, their vehicles. They rely on you to fix and maintain their cars, trucks, and motorcycles so they can travel safely from place to place and not have to worry about their family’s safety. It’s a service you should be proud of. It’s also a business that brings you face to face with daily risks. Risks that you need to be properly insured against.
Insurance for Auto Shops and Garages
When was the last time you reviewed your auto shop business insurance? We often find that auto shop owners are so busy turning wrenches and building relationships that they rush into buying insurance and don’t actually know what they purchased. We’ve compiled a list of the most important things you need to know about insuring your garage or auto repair shop.
It’s worth the investment.
As a garage owner, it is easy to get trapped in cost-focused mindset. You want to keep your hourly rates lower than dealerships do, so you try to save money when you can. Don’t sell yourself short. Before you buy insurance based on price, ask your agent if you’ll be protected against more than just slip and falls. Does the policy include errors and omission coverage in the event something you fixed causes an auto accident? Or does it protect you against lawsuits if a customer isn’t satisfied with your work?Look for insurance specific to your services.
It doesn’t have to be stressful.
Protect your employees, business, and yourself.
Buying business insurance is only part of the solution.
Protecting your garage from various risks with insurance is just one step in the process. You also need to create and implement policies and procedures. Policies and procedures act as a guide for how you handle certain scenarios and can protect you from potential risks like slips and falls, employee injuries, and wrecking customer vehicles.
You aren’t limited to one company.
How to Find Auto Repair Shop Insurance
Contact local independent insurance agents that understand daily operations of a garage. Rumbaugh Insurance is a locally-owned and independent insurance agency located in Hanover, PA. We insure several garages in Hanover and the surrounding communities and help them understand what they need and how they are protecting themselves. Give us a call today for a free business insurance review or fill out the form.
Complete the form below to have one of our representatives contact you about auto repair shop insurance.